“It’s the economy, stupid” is a phrase coined by Bill Clinton’s 1992 campaign strategist James Carville. You usually hear it uttered as a means of stressing the importance of economic issues to voters, but another, less popular but more accurate, interpretation, is that Democrats should avoid cultural issues because their staggering depravity causes them to lose these arguments.
This paradigm of politics, the division between culture and economy, personal verses commercial, dominates so much of popular political discourse, that one is almost tempted to believe that real people actually organize their lives and thoughts this way.
The most cursory examination, of course, reveals the contrary. There is hardly anything we take more personally than interference with our property, but only because it is intertwined in everything else that we value. Our cultural attitudes shape our economic activity. It amounts to making voters choose “Your money or your life”, as if there were a meaningful choice between the two. There isn’t.
This is not to say that people should not or do not part with, or forgo opportunities to acquire, money and other forms of property for “higher” aims. Of course, they should, and do. That is the whole point of the institution of property. To use, trade, consume, lend, give, or otherwise dispose of it in order to obtain some inner satisfaction.
Distortions such as the social vs. economic dichotomy are hardly accidental. In a tyranny such as that presiding over us today, anything to keep the public from attending to the meaningful issues of the day is of the utmost value to the people pulling the levers.
I have become convinced that those people, in the final analysis, are spies. It’s not the economy, stupid. It’s the espionage.
Espionage, Generally
Spies, by the nature of their profession, don’t like to be noticed, much less talked about. If they are doing their jobs well, they remain undetected. If they are detected, they are trained to halt transmission of the information of their detection. Deception, bribery, blackmail, coercion, and assassination being hardly beneath the dignity of this second oldest profession, they stockpile and deploy deceptions, carrots, and sticks, to craft, with the utmost care, the information environment in their favor.
This is power. The ultimate power. To design reality itself. One need not pay or coerce someone into doing something they otherwise would not do, if they can be convinced that a given course of action is desirable or inevitable.
The history of espionage is a fascinating subject. Prior to my January 2020 arrest, I read “Enemies: A History of the FBI” by Tim Weiner, which described in startling detail how the FBI has, from its inception, been an espionage operation using law enforcement as a cover. After September 11th 2011, this was made more or less official. The book describes J. Edgar Hoover’s “COINTELPRO” operation, in which the FBI infiltrated Left wing groups and subverted the subversives.
A noble enough effort, which was unfortunately picked up on and later used against right wing groups. Guys would go to meetings, and half or more of the people in the room would be FBI agents, trying to get the other attendees to commit crimes so they could be prosecuted.
In prison, I had occasion to read a history of the Mossad titled “Gideon’s Spies” by Gordon Thomas. “Epstein: Dead Men Tell No Tales; Spies, Lies & Blackmail” by Dylan Howard and Melissa Cronin, described what could be discovered about the pedophile financier’s mysterious life and death, including his connection to American and Israeli intelligence agencies. Gerald Posner’s history of the Vatican central bank, “God’s Bankers” provided valuable context on the subject as well, since all the world’s spies throughout the long history of the institution, seemed to find the peculiar features thereof very useful for their trade. Charles S. Faddis, a former clandestine services officer with the CIA, and frequent guest on Frank Gaffney’s “Securing America” radio program (one of my favorites), wrote a brief history of America’s Central Intelligence Agency in “Beyond Repair: The Decline and Fall of the CIA”. Less about espionage, but worth a mention as a peek at just how screwed up a supposedly elite government agency can be, is Carol Leonnig’s “Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service”.
Espionage is the principle tool of successful warfare. Foreign or domestic. In his “The Art of War”, Sun Tzu famously said “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Perhaps even more pertinent to the issue at hand, Sun Tzu, in the same book said “To win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.” This is accomplished primarily through espionage.
It surely helps to have the enemy outmanned and outgunned. No sane man would deny this. But to even permit such a calculation, espionage is necessary. To know what you are up against requires acquisition of strategic information your enemy would rather you not be privy to. To access this information, you will need to use force or deception.
In Gideon’s spies, Thomas informs us that, “At the Mossad training school, instructors reminded students that from the moment man established himself as a new species unique among all animals, it was the moment when he first used his primitive language to lie; the world became his to create and destroy. It would be ever so.”
Deception is by no means free of cost, but it is typically far less expensive and than force. That which can be accomplished with a few breathes or keystrokes makes little sense to accomplish with loss of blood and treasure. If the enemy must be physically damaged to accomplish some aim or another, preferably, your enemy would destroy himself, or be destroyed by your other enemy. Ideally they would destroy each other. In the best case scenario, your enemy would think you were his friend while these things played themselves out.
“Intelligence” has become a euphemism for espionage, but not without some measure of justification. While the word “intelligence” intentionally and deceptively sounds much cleaner than “spying”, stupid people make poor liars, because keeping track of deceptions is cognitively demanding. The complexity of this task grows exponentially with the number of deceptions in play, and by the time you’re trying to convince an entire population that genetics and economics are superstitions of a bygone darker era, these demands necessarily exceed human capacity. Not that this stops people from trying, to which we are constant witness. And so, a successful intelligence agency is necessarily in the business of acquiring actual intelligence, as in, brainpower, as well as what is commonly termed intelligence in popular speaking, which is more accurately described as information or knowledge.
It is also in the business of diminishing the intelligence of enemy States. Again, I am not referring to knowledge or information (though, that too), but intelligence itself. The very capacity for the enemy to think. This is why we see immigration deployed as a weapon, and why communist subversives are so often the product of foreign sponsorship. To flood a foreign threat with new arrivals who have already destroyed their home country, has a predictable impact on the place where they settle. Communism, by its very design, sets the poor into violent confrontation with the upper and middle classes. Revolutionaries slaughter the “class enemy” and in the process, owing to the correlation between income and IQ, commit the Nation to brain death.
One does not often seek wisdom on the pages of the Daily Stormer, but it is occasionally found there. In a post titled “Communism Isn’t a System – It is a Tactic“, Andrew Anglin makes the following observation;
If the goal of communism is to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise, then it is obviously a failure of a system. However, if the goal is to tell the masses of people that you’re going to abolish the state and create a workers’ paradise so that you can use them to kill all rich people, along with millions of others, then it is a tactic that has literally never failed anywhere it was implemented.
Communist leaders just feed low-IQ poor people a bunch of gibberish about a workers’ paradise and march them off to commit a slaughter so that they can completely cleanse the old elite and establish themselves as supreme leaders.
Every successful communist revolution has resulted in the entire ruling class being killed or driven out of the country. Millions of people always die.
The people that start the revolution are never the ones that finish it, and the ones that finish it are rarely the ones holding the cards when it’s finally over.
He goes on to draw some conclusions from this observation that I won’t endorse here, but the above observation does an excellent job of explaining much of the history of mankind.
As a brief aside, this is also why trial lawyers make the big bucks, and why a certain accent pronounces the title as “liar” without risk of misunderstanding the nature of the profession. What actually happened in a given dispute is borderline irrelevant in a courtroom. The task of a trial lawyer is to selectively feed information to the jury, and to prevent inconvenient information from reaching them, so as to form their perception of the dispute in favor of the client. This is cognitively demanding, because it requires constant processing of the information presented, contrasting this with one’s own knowledge of the facts, and imagining what that looks like to a dozen people who only know what has been presented. Honest people hardly stand a chance at this sort of contest. Their theory of mind is not nearly so developed as that of the liar. Honest people rely almost entirely on the truth, assuming naively that this is what shapes perception.
If our masters had their way, we would all be a lot more like jurors. Fed only that information previously approved by those selected to craft the scene. Ideally, we would follow silly instructions like “you may not consider this revelation in your deliberations”. Though, perhaps our masters would prefer some greater flexibility in the rules of evidence, than most courtrooms permit.
I have some experience with an experiment in this vein. The Communications Management Unit, or CMU. is a prison within a prison at the United States Penitentiary in Marion, Illinois. Communications are tightly restricted and monitored by an outfit known as the Counter Terrorist Unit, or CTU.
Counter terrorism, though often nominally carried out by law enforcement agencies, is necessarily espionage. Law enforcement involves investigating crimes that have already occured, so as to punish the perpetrators. Counter terrorism, by contrast, is necessarily involved in pre-crime, because nobody wants to wait until after the building blows up, and terrorists, often prepared to die for their cause, are not typically deterred by threat of punishment. Most of the prisoners in the CMU, accordingly, were put there by some kind of fictional FBI stratagem.
Within the CMU, the flow of information is so tightly controlled that one could be tricked into believing almost anything that wasn’t disproven by their AM/FM radio. Prisoners are not allowed to use the real time monitored communications systems to talk about other prisoners. The CMU at Marion houses approximately 50 men, and if all 50 of them were intelligence officers, the target of the deception would have little to no means of figuring this out, unless he happened to see an image on television of someone his fellow “prisoner” was falsely claiming to be.
The staff of the facility lie habitually, and not with any clear purpose to the deception. The consensus among prisoners was that these were psychological operations, designed to keep the information environment as polluted as possible.
But I digress… Back to warfare.
Armed conflict, even when waged successfully, is tremendously expensive. Unsuccessful warfare is a total loss event. It cannot be waged without the assistance of espionage, and the most successful espionage can accomplish the same things as high tech weapons systems at the social and economic cost of keystrokes.
This being the case, a government not heavily invested in espionage acts against the interests of its population no less than if it fails to maintain a military. This is not to say that an investment in espionage cannot so act. Obviously it can, and in our case, certainly does. Espionage is a weapon of war, and turned upon its own citizenry, acts with equal or greater effect. But if a well crafted deception or a single well placed bullet can avoid the expense of war, it would scream negligence for a government not to conduct such an operation.
This is all the more the case if one nation is militarily superior to the other, and the vital interests of the weaker cannot be protected by mere brute force. In such a case, espionage and diplomacy are its only means of defense. With one being of hardly any value absent the other.
This, of course, is why countries always expel each other’s diplomats when things get hectic. There’s so much overlap between diplomacy and espionage that it only barely makes sense to distinguish diplomats from spies. Diplomacy, at the end of the day, is a straightforward influence operation. Negotiators attempt to alter a foreign government’s behavior by way of negotiation, and in no small number of cases, the threat of military force enters into those negotiations.
And, it should almost go without saying, strategic information is as useful in negotiation as it is on a battlefield. Even in something so straightforward as a payment is aided immeasurably by knowledge of what payment will suffice to accomplish the goal at hand. Absent this information, one is as likely to overpay as to fail to reach an agreement.
Better still, to lie successfully in negotiation is to obtain ends by discounted means. The ability to craft the information matrix of the negotiator in one’s own favor is to determine the outcome of the negotiation before it begins.
In the case of diplomacy, negotiations necessarily happen between people who act on behalf of others, in contrast to business deals where one may actually be negotiating with a principle agent more directly interested in the outcome. Strategic information in diplomacy may be so simple as knowing the weaknesses of the individual interlocutor. Does he have a secret he doesn’t want exposed? A peculiar appetite you are able to satisfy? If so, a diplomat may accomplish his aims by influencing the negotiator himself, as opposed to those he represents. This, in the case of Nation States, is almost always a far less costly affair. See, for example, satisfying Hunter Biden’s crack habit to obtain government favors from Joe Biden.
Social Espionage
Recent revelations from the so called #TwitterFiles, expose not only how the Pentagon used Twitter for “psychological operations” overseas, but how American intelligence agencies like the FBI and CIA, in addition to influencing Twitter to carry out their domestic information operations, in some cases took actual jobs at at the company. The so-called “Foreign Influence Task Force”, informed readers will not be shocked to hear, was primarily interested in domestic affairs. Anyone questioning the outcome of the 2020 election or pushing “anti-Ukraine narratives” was deemed a Russian plant, and when those accusations proved to be lacking in substance, Twitter employees sought excuses to carry out the government’s wishes anyway, and generally managed to find them.
These, mind you, are overt operations. This is, “Hello, I’m here about the content moderation job. Here’s my resume, where you’ll see I’ve been at the FBI for the last 15 years, and I think this makes me uniquely qualified for the position.” Among the larger troubles with finding out that your government is doing something that shocks the conscience, is not the revelation, but the knowledge that your government still has secrets which are far worse than the revelation at issue.
We’ve heard so much in congressional hearings about “algorithms”. A reasonable person might conclude based on watching those hearings, that this term was simply used to mislead the Congress by saying things they didn’t think would be widely understood, and it seemed to work. An algorithm is not some magical process, however. It’s a computer program, and behind every program is a programmer.
How many CIA trained programmers do you figure are working at Twitter? At Facebook? At Google? I’ll bet you a dollar it ain’t zero.
And why would the United States be the only government engaging in this activity?
Gideon’s Spies, though an interesting read, surely contained some disinformation. The book told several stories about electronic warfare which anyone who understands technology could spot as fake news. Some of the stories reminded me of Gilligan’s Island, in which the professor was always trying to make some contraption or another out of coconuts.
But we know about real Israeli electronic warfare. Most famously, the Stuxnet virus which was used to sabotage Iranian nuclear operations. In more recent headlines, the Pegasus smartphone spyware supposedly produced by a “private” company keeps finding its way into our newsfeeds whenever it is used against a journalist or a politician. Another ostensibly private information warfare campaign is conducted by Israeli Zionist groups, to edit Wikipedia in favor of their country, contra the Palestinians.
American intelligence agencies weren’t the only ones interfering with Twitter, and of this we need not speculate. Even before Elon Musk started leaking, Peiter “Mudge” Zatko told Congress that Twitter knew foreign spies were working there, and didn’t seem to mind. Zatko claims he tried to raise concerns about a suspected foreign agent to a company executive and was told, “Well, since we already have one, what is the problem if we have more? Let’s keep growing the office.”
That is exactly what seemed to be happening. India was able to place at least two suspected foreign assets within Twitter, and the FBI notified Twitter of at least one Chinese agent in the company.
But then again, one might excuse Twitter employees for doubting the credibility of FBI agents, who were in the habit of making false foreign interference claims.
Nobody seemed to mind the fake so-called “far right” accounts operated by the German government. According to a September of 2022 report in Breitbart,
Hundreds of fake social media accounts espousing far-right ideology on platforms such as Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and Gettr are being operated by the German Federal State, a report by a major mainstream newspaper in the country has revealed.
According to the report by Süddeutsche Zeitung, — one of Germany’s largest newspapers — Germany’s Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been operating hundreds of accounts espousing extremist views for the purpose of infiltrating groups of interest to government officials.
The federal office has reportedly been paying civil servants to operate accounts posing as radicals on the left and right as well as the likes of radical Islamic extremists, anti-vaccination activists and so-called “Reich Citizens” — a term used to describe people who question or reject the legitimacy of the German Republic.
At least some of these fake accounts are involved in actively promoting the ideologies they are linked with, with one agent telling a reporter that it is important to “feed this bubble” of extremist ideology in order to gain the trust of targetted activists, some of whom are reported as being “neo-nazis”.
Those behind the accounts have also reportedly been granted permission to break laws in the operation of these accounts, with the journalist behind the report, Ron Steinke, saying that: “many people who are victims of right-wing online hate speech would probably be amazed if they knew what is now being posted and liked on behalf of the state.”
Along with employing people to operate the social media accounts, the German Federal government has employed psychologists as part of the project, who are tasked with both helping those operating the accounts to deal with the stress of their occupation, as well as to sniff out if one of the civil servants is themselves being radicalised.
Governments are not known to be the most innovative institutions. They are often picking up on strategies developed elsewhere. In an August of 2019 article at the journal Nature, researches proposed a four point plan for “combating online hate” which included creating fake social media users to instigate conflicts between “hate clusters” (see, any group not favorable to the Democrat Party) who hold different views.
Policy 4 exploits the fact that many hate groups online have opposing views. The policy suggests that the platform administrators introduce an artificial group of users to encourage interactions between hate clusters that have opposing views, with a view to the hate clusters subsequently battling out their differences among themselves. The authors’ modelling demonstrated that such battles would effectively remove large hate clusters that have opposing views. Once put into action, policies 3 and 4 would require little direct intervention by the platform administrators; however, setting opposing clusters against each other would require meticulous engineering.
An information warfare program indistinguishable from this one befell the Alt Right movement, and ultimately resulted in me doing some prison time. Remember this when somebody tries to drag you into senseless online conflicts with people who agree with you 80% of the time.
And what should concern us more than anything is China’s role in all of this, for it is far less conspicuous, which one can only conclude is the result of successful secrecy. We know plenty about Chinese espionage in terms of collecting information, especially corporate and technological secrets, but Chinese influence operations are surely going on, and it should worry us that we are not more conscious of these efforts.
China has more at stake in the United States than any other country, save for perhaps Israel, whose very existence arguably depends on American support. China is the world’s second largest economy, and has no intention of staying that way. While Russia seeks a multipolar world order in which peer Nations respect one another’s spheres of influence, China looks with envy on America’s privileged position, and seeks to take our place as the global hegemon. The best way for China to accomplish this goal is for Russia and the United States to end up in a military conflict with one another, in which both are irreparably damaged, and the only winner would be China.
In Peter Schweizer’s book “Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win”, the author goes into great detail about what is publicly known about American political elites falling under the sway of the Chinese Communist Party. The Bidens, the Bushes, the Pelosis, the McConnells, to name just a few, all derive very substantial revenue from China, and would have their lifestyles diminished significantly if they were to be deprived of those revenues.
Now, maybe you think that these people are just such brilliant business wizards that Chinese companies had to recruit them from the other side of the planet and make them fabulously wealthy, just to make their operations possible. With the possible exception of the Bidens, Schweizer does not allege that what these people are doing is unlawful, just awfully conspicuous, given who they are and the significance of the revenues they derive from a rival country.
But Schweizer doesn’t obtain his information by digging through trash cans, tapping phones, following people around with a camera or blockchain analysis. All he can tell us is what is publicly available. The true depth of these ties remains hidden from us, and what we are able to discern from publicly available information is only our first clue as to what is really happening.
And even the money is only the carrot. What of the stick?
Today’s headlines are full of news about TikTok, the Chinese social media app that teaches girls to “twerk” and boys to become transgender, while its domestic equivalent celebrates academic achievement and other wholesome content. It is obvious to interested people that China uses TikTok as an influence operation, but most of the headlines today center on its potential abuse as a means of collecting information.
TikTok parent company ByteDance denies that it shares information with the Chinese State, but Article 11 of China’s National Security Law makes it clear that all Chinese citizens and “enterprises” are obligated to assist the State in matters of National Security; (emphasis added)
Citizens of the People’s Republic of China, all State bodies and armed forces, all political parties and people’s organizations, enterprises, undertakings, organizations and all other social organizations have the responsibility and duty to safeguard national security.
The sovereignty and territorial integrity of China brook no violation or separation. The safeguarding of national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity is the common duty of all Chinese citizens, including Hong Kong and Macau compatriots, and Taiwan compatriots.
This is very similar to the Mossad’s “sayanim” which Gordon Thomas informs us in Gideon’s spies are “Volunteer Jewish helpers who live outside of Israel (singular: sayan)“. But don’t you dare mention dual loyalty. That would be anti-Semitic, and apparently, anti-Chinese.
Article 3 defines National Security Work, and is all encompassing, including culture and economy and political security;
National security work shall persist in a comprehensive national security view, take the security of the people as purpose, take political security as the foundation, take economic security as the basis, take military, cultural and social security as guarantee, take stimulating international security as a support, it shall safeguard national security in all areas, build a national security system, and march the path of national security with Chinese characteristics.
A June 7th 2022 report in Reuters states that the Chinese government is paying citizens for assistance in intelligence work;
BEIJING, June 7 (Reuters) – Chinese citizens can get rewards of more than 100,000 yuan ($15,000) and special certificates for tip-offs on breaches of national security under measures introduced this week, state media reported on Tuesday.
Rewards for exposing foreign spies or other security violations have existed for years in China. The new measures are aimed at standardising rewards and motivating the public at a time of intensifying threats from foreign intelligence agencies and other hostile forces, a Ministry of State Security representative said, according to a state media outlet.
“The formulation of the measures is conducive to fully mobilising the enthusiasm of the general public to support and assist in national security work, widely rallying the hearts, morale, wisdom and strength of the people,” the ministry representative said, according to the Legal Daily.
A June 17, 2022 report in the New York Post informs us of leaked audio recordings from ByteDance corporate meetings;
Fears that China could snoop on TikTok users were confirmed in leaked recordings from internal meetings held by the social media app’s parent company, according to a bombshell report Friday.
The recordings revealed that China-based employees of ByteDance repeatedly accessed data tied to US users — raising fresh concerns about TikTok, which once faced a ban in the United States because of privacy concerns.
Audio clips from dozens of meetings revealed 14 statements from nine TikTok employees who said that ByteDance engineers in China could access nonpublic US user data, BuzzFeed reported, citing material from more than 80 meetings.
The Chinese employees were capable of accessing the information from at least September 2021 through January.
The leaked recordings suggest that Beijing-based ByteDance’s ability to access US user data was farther-reaching than previously known — with one TikTok director stating at a September 2021 gathering that one unnamed engineer in China was “Master Admin” who “has access to everything.”
In a separate meeting that same month, a member of TikTok’s Trust and Safety department purportedly said that “everything is seen in China.”
And if you think information obtained from TikTok might be damaging, imagine the blackmail potential derived from four years of Chinese ownership of the homosexual dating app known as Grindr. A March 6th 2020 report in TechCrunch informs us that;
Chinese gaming giant Beijing Kunlun has agreed to sell popular gay dating app Grindr for about $608 million, ending a tumultuous four years under Chinese ownership.
Reuters reports that the Chinese company sold its 98% stake in Grindr to a U.S.-based company, San Vicente Acquisition Partners.
The app, originally developed in Los Angeles, raised national security concerns after it was acquired by Beijing Kunlun in 2016 for $93 million. That ownership was later scrutinized by a U.S. government national security panel, the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reportedly told the Beijing-based parent company that its ownership of Grindr constituted a national security threat.
CFIUS expressed concern that data from the app’s some 27 million users could be used by the Chinese government. Last year, it was reported that while under Chinese ownership, Grindr allowed engineers in Beijing access to the personal data of millions of U.S. users, including their private messages and HIV status.
Beijing Kunlun had agreed to sell the unit by June.
Little is known about San Vicente Acquisition, but a person with knowledge of the deal said that the company is made up of a group of investors that’s fully owned and controlled by Americans. Reuters said that one of those investors is James Lu, a former executive at Chinese search giant Baidu.
But that transaction was not completed. Mr. Lu, it turns out, was not entirely forthcoming in his disclosures. According to a March 29, 2021 report in Reuters;
When Grindr Inc’s Chinese owner sold the popular dating app to an investor consortium last year to comply with a U.S. national security panel order, the parties to the deal gave information to authorities that contradicted disclosures to potential investors and Chinese regulators, Reuters has learned.
They told the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) that James Lu, a Chinese-American businessman who is now Grindr’s chairman, had no previous business relationship with a key adviser to the seller, a man named Ding’an Fei, according to a Reuters review of the parties’ written submissions to CFIUS.
Fei, a former private equity executive, was acting as an adviser to Beijing Kunlun Tech Co Ltd, Grindr’s owner at the time, on the deal, the documents show.
“The investors and Ding’an Fei have at no time conducted business together in their personal capacities prior to the proposed transaction,” Kunlun and the investor group, called San Vicente Holdings LLC, wrote to CFIUS in a response dated March 27, 2020.
However, when Lu was raising funds to buy Grindr in the second half of 2019 and early 2020, potential investors were told by firms helping him raise the money that Fei was involved in the effort with him in various capacities, a review of four different fundraising documents shows.
The duo had also done business together in other ventures: Fei was a member of the board of a Chinese restaurant operator in which Lu served as chief executive officer, according to that restaurant company’s 2018-2019 annual report.
The discrepancies and omissions in the parties’ response to U.S. authorities, reported by Reuters for the first time, could prompt a new review from CFIUS, according to six former U.S. officials and lawyers familiar with the panel’s rules. If CFIUS were to find the statements were not true, it can also lead to civil penalties and criminal charges under the false statement provisions of the U.S. penal code, they said.
This looks an awful lot like trying to swindle the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, and threaten American national security, by shuffling papers across a desk.
Grindr was later purchased in 2022 by a SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) called Tiga Acquisition Corp, and is currently listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol GRND. It is not immediately clear what, if any, ties the company has to China. But to me, “Tiga” sounds a lot like “Tiger” and tigers are a common feature of Chinese corporate branding. According to the website Tiger’s Tea Live, tigers symbolize power and fear in Chinese culture;
In the Chinese culture Tigers bear a greater symbolism – power and daring and a subject of awe and fear, more than just prized for its beauty and majesty. In China, the Tiger is considered the king of all beasts as it symbolises power and a great deal of nerve. The Tiger has always featured heavily in Chinese culture and tradition. It is also known as the king of the mountain.
Power could certainly be wielded, and fear could certainly be inspired, by the owner of a gay dating app that was willing to misuse its access to information. Given what we know about Democrat attitudes towards sex, we can make a reasonably safe assumption that if Grindr was used for political blackmail, it would fall primarily on one party. Though an obvious response to this would be that Republicans who were discovered using Grindr would have more to lose by such a discovery, and could be pressured more intensely, even if in fewer numbers.
And we also know that China has used trade policy to impact US elections in favor of Democrats. Cambridge University researchers published an analysis in January of 2021 titled “Tariffs As Electoral Weapons: The Political Geography of the US–China Trade War“, which concludes;
In response to President Trump instigating conflict over trade with China, the Chinese government countered by issuing tariffs on thousands of products worth over USD 110 billion in US exports. We explore whether China’s tariffs reflected a strategy to apply counterpressure by hurting political support for the president’s party. We also assess the strategy’s impact on the 2018 midterm elections and examine the mechanism underlying the resulting electoral shift. We find strong evidence that Chinese tariffs systematically targeted US goods that had production concentrated in Republican-supporting counties, particularly when located in closely contested Congressional districts. This apparent strategy was successful: targeted areas were more likely to turn against Republican candidates. Using data on campaign communications, local search patterns online, and an original national survey, we find evidence that voters residing in areas affected by the tariffs were more likely to learn about the trade war, recognize its adverse impact, and assign the Republicans responsibility for the escalating dispute. These findings demonstrate how domestic political institutions can be a source of vulnerability in interstate disputes.
So, whether it is by bribery, blackmail, or trade policy, we know that China is running influence operations in the United States. We know that Chinese citizens and enterprises are conscripted into Chinese national security operations. We reasonably believe these efforts are to some degree bipartisan, but that it should come as no surprise that a foreign nation who wants America weakened, particularly one that embraces communism, favors the Democrat Party to be in power.
So, if China has a “no limits” partnership with Russia, why are their puppets in the US Government all in for Ukraine?
Are Mitch McConnell and his fellow Democrats just so inspired by Ukrainian democracy that they don’t mind having their revenue streams taken away and their sexual deviancy exposed?
This, I doubt very highly. China is trying to get us into a war with Russia, and at this rate it looks like they are going to succeed.
Speaking of Russia…
Though an overwhelming majority of Democrats polled think the Russian government actually manipulated the vote count directly, that is not the mainstream view of the issue. We have been told by supposedly credible sources, that Russia “hacked our democracy” not by changing the function of voting machines, but by tricking dumb Americans into voting for Donald Trump with “trolls and bots”.
Typically, mainstream “respectable” conservatives treat this allegation with skepticism, either of kind or of degree. Either they say it didn’t happen, or they say that it was not of such a scale as to be determinative. In support of either claim, they point out that the sum spent on supposedly Russian advertisements was actually quite small, in comparison to otherwise “legitimate”ads.
According to Politico;
Facebook accounts with apparent Russian ties purchased about $150,000 in political ads aimed at American voters during key periods of the 2016 presidential campaign, according to a new analysis released Wednesday by the social networking company.
Facebook found some $100,000 in ad spending from June 2015 through May 2017 connected to about 470 accounts that were deemed as inauthentic and in violation of its internal guidelines. These accounts – associated with about 3,000 ads – were connected to each other “and likely operated out of Russia,” Alex Stamos, Facebook’s chief security officer, wrote in a Wednesday blog post.
While the “vast majority” of those ads didn’t reference any specific presidential candidate, or even the election itself, Stamos explained that the Russian ads that Facebook uncovered were designed to amplify hot-button social and political issues, such as LGBT rights, race, immigration and gun rights.
A quarter of the Russian-linked ads were also geographically targeted at specific Facebook audiences in the U.S., and most of them ran in 2015 before the first primaries and caucuses when the GOP and Democratic presidential fields were still packed with multiple candidates. While the amount of spending on the ads was nominal at best, the fact that it even occurred is likely to reinforce concerns expressed by some Democrats that Russia may have used Facebook to promote narratives that flattered Trump and bashed Clinton in key Rust Belt swing states that helped the real estate mogul take the White House.
Now, wait just a second. Do you mean to tell me, that these “Russian bots” were trying to help Donald Trump, by amplifying LGBTQ rights and race? Those sound a lot more like Clinton advertisements if you ask me. Although Trump campaigned against immigration and for gun rights, it wasn’t like these issues don’t have a Democrat side to the story either. Mind you, this is coming from Politico, which is not exactly known for its objective reporting, much less its far Right ideology.
Checking the source material, the Facebook blog post, the issue is obviously left intentionally vague. It doesn’t say what stance was taken on the issues promoted, just that those issues were promoted. Facebook only mentions that some ads were geographically targeted. It doesn’t say anything about the “rust belt” or any other specifics about what geography was targeted.
Those better informed, will call attention to the fact that these supposed Russian “bots”were, if anything, more prolific with Leftist themes on social media than anything supporting Donald Trump. According to this theme, the goal of the operation was not to support Trump, but to polarize American politics, and sow chaos.
One of the ads shared by Adam Schiff, of all people, was for a “Free Legal Night” for illegal immigrants. Another ad from “LGBT United” promoted an event in Kansas to support teachers who push sexual deviancy in school classrooms.
Russia focused on black Americans
Many, many of these ads targeted black Americans. From the fairly large sample of ads that we reviewed, black Americans were clearly of particular interest, likely in an effort to escalate latent racial tensions.
Many of these ads appeared as memorials for black Americans killed by police officers. Others simply intended to stir up black pride, like one featuring an Angela Davis quote. One ad posted by “Black Matters” was targeted at Ferguson, Missouri residents in June 2015 and only featured the lyrics to Tupac’s “California Love.” Around this time, many ads targeted black Facebook users in Baltimore and the St. Louis area.
Not exactly straight out of the RNC playbook…
The sources I’m referencing show some ads that are clearly designed to support Trump, but I’m not going to waste your time talking about them because we’ve been hearing that side of the story for six years. I can, however, share with you my assessment, that what is being shown to us by Democrats, is roughly 50/50 pro or anti-Trump.
Slate put it more bluntly “Russian Trolls Were Obsessed With Black Lives Matter“.
There were ads about white supremacy that targeted people interested in HuffPost’s Black Voices section. Another featured an image of a member of the Black Panthers with a baby on his lap next to a photo of three hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan holding a noose under the text, “I find it very disturbing that the Black Panthers were called terrorists and sent to prison while KKK still exists and legal.” Hundreds of ads were bought about American racism, laser-targeted to people interested in, to take a few examples, “Understanding racial segregation in the united states,” and “Martin Luther King, Jr.” and “Black is beautiful” and the “African American Civil Rights Movement (1954-68).” It seemed that the more politically aware and interested in American history someone was, the more likely they were to be targeted by this propaganda. IRA trolls seemed to be interested in reaching people who are deeply invested in political history and expressing their beliefs, particularly on the subject of race in America and institutional violence against black people. Hundreds of the ads were focused on police violence toward black Americans.
Of the entire Russian “bot” narrative, Buzzfeed says “This is, not to mince words, total bullshit.”
I spent hours trying to find an article I saw not long before my 2020 arrest, which broke down which news sources the supposedly Russian Twitter accounts were promoting. I couldn’t find it, but Law and Crime was able to determine that their favorite TV pundit was MSNBC’s Joy Reid, whom Tucker Carlson appropriately refers to as “the race lady”. Reid’s entire existence is centered around stoking racial tensions in the United States, and there are few scenarios one could imagine in which she was promoted to help Donald Trump get elected.
But, here’s one the Democrats don’t want to mention…
Let’s just say for the sake of argument, ridiculous though it may sound, that Russia tried to help Donald Trump by giving in kind contributions to Democrats in the form of free advertising. How could this possibly assist him?
We know Russians aren’t stupid. In a post release interview with RT, Viktor Bout told Maria Butina that Russians pay too much attention to American politics. When Leftist media covers the supposed Russian propaganda targeting black Americans, they often remark about how well the propagandists understand American racial tensions.
So, if we are to take this at face value, the means by which Russia was assisting Donald Trump is to show Americans how terrible the Democrats really are. By deploying this tactic, these propagandists showed how truly vicious, dishonest, and violent the Democrat Party is, just by amplifying normal Democrat behavior. They brought into the open what you and I have known for a very long time, that the Democrats’ perpetual stoking of racial tensions is designed to sow misery and chaos, on the assumption that it will aid them in pursuit of power. Watching blacks and other Democrats run riot in 2015 and 2016, and watching their media coconspirators run cover, so disgusted Americans, that an electoral, though not a popular, majority, voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
Reasonable people might think this was actually benevolent, and, let’s face it, this would not be the most absurd thing to happen in American politics. Though, we must confess that is a rather high bar to set. Democrat dirty tricks are legendary, and a political party trying to win popularity contests by pushing transgenderism on children is nothing if not capable of thinking outside the box.
But if that put Donald Trump in the White House in 2016, why did Democrats embrace the riots in 2020? If they really thought racial tension was harming their chances of victory, wouldn’t they stop stoking them?
Let us contemplate a more mundane explanation.
In 2018, Democrat operatives created a fake Russian botnet to make it appear that Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore was backed by the Russian government, according to the New York Times, per a Fox News Report;
Democratic operatives, backed by a liberal billionaire and facilitated by a former Obama official, created thousands of fake Russian accounts to give an impression the Russian government was supporting Alabama Republican Roy Moore in last year’s election against now-Sen. Doug Jones.
The secret project, which had a budget of just $100,000 and was carried out on Facebook and Twitter, was revealed after the New York Times obtained an internal report detailing the efforts.
“We orchestrated an elaborate ‘false flag’ operation that planted the idea that the Moore campaign was amplified on social media by a Russian botnet,” the internal report said. It also took credit for “radicalizing Democrats with a Russian bot scandal” after experimenting “with many of the tactics now understood to have influenced the 2016 elections.”
The Alabama project was funded by liberal billionaire and LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman who gave $100,000 to the cause, according to the Times. Hoffman is one of Silicon Valley’s top donors to the Democrats, donating $7 million to various groups and campaigns in the last election cycle.
The money trickled down through American Engagement Technologies, a firm run by Mikey Dickerson who was appointed by former President Barack Obama to lead the newly-created United States Digital Service.
Now, $100,000 is not a lot of money in a race that spent $51 million, but recall that the supposed Russian menace only spent $150,000 on a Presidential race and Democrats literally called that an act of war.
The source of the money, another tech oligarch, tells us a great deal too. While I don’t know LinkedIn to be a hotbed of political activity, I’d be willing to bet Mr. Hoffman didn’t allow his power over the platform to go unutilized by Democrats.
More recently, Consortium News published a report in November of 2022 about a massive anti-Russian “Bot Army” operating on Twitter, and the implications are staggering.
The Adelaide University researchers unearthed a massive organised pro-Ukraine influence operation underway from the early stages of the conflict. Overall, the study found automated “bot” accounts to be the source of between 60 to 80 percent of all tweets in the dataset.
The published data shows that in the first week of the Ukraine-Russia war there was a huge mass of pro-Ukrainian hashtag bot activity. Approximately 3.5 million tweets using the hashtag #IStandWithUkraine were sent by bots in that first week.
In fact, it was like someone had flicked a switch at the start of the war as pro-Ukraine bot activity suddenly burst into life. In that first day of the war the #IStandWithUkraine hashtag was used in as many as 38,000 tweets each hour, rising to 50,000 tweets an hour by day three of the war.
This operation was already in place when the conflict broke out, unlike Russia’s. Which tells us something very interesting about Ukrainian influence efforts.
After being apparently left flatfooted, the #IStandWithPutin hashtag mainly from automated bots, eventually fired up a week after the start of the war. That hashtag started appearing in higher numbers on March 2, day 7 of the war. It reached 10,000 tweets per hour just twice over the next two days, still way behind the pro-Ukraine tweeting activity.
The #IStandWithRussia hashtag use was even smaller, reaching only 4,000 tweets per hour. After just two days of operation, the pro-Russian hashtag activity had dropped away almost completely. The study’s researchers noted the automated bot accounts “likely used by Russian authorities,” were “removed likely by pro-Ukrainian authorities.”
The reaction against these pro-Russian accounts had been swift. On March 5, after the #IStandWithPutin hashtag had trended on Twitter, the company announced it had banned over 100 accounts using the hashtag for violating its “platform manipulation and spam policy” and participating in “coordinated inauthentic behaviour.”
Later that month, the Ukraine Security Service (SBU) reportedly raided five “bot farms”’ operating inside the country. The Russia-linked bot operators were reportedly operating through 100,000 fake social media accounts spreading disinformation that was “intended to inspire panic among Ukrainian masses.”
Why would Russia be operating “bot farms” on Ukrainian soil? Sounds to me like the SBU was kicking down the doors of their fellow citizens who had dared to challenge the prevailing compulsory narrative.
But why did Democrats think being backed by Russia would hurt a candidate? Didn’t Russian backing just put Trump in the White House?
Well, obviously, they had done the same thing in 2016, quoting from the Washington Examiner;
Durham’s latest indictment centers on Democratic National Committee and Clinton Foundation lawyer Michael Sussmann. One of Sussmann’s other clients, only identified in the indictment as “Tech Executive-1,” approached Sussmann in July 2016, claiming he had information that could help create a “narrative” of Trump collusion with Russia. Tech Executive-1 would later say in an email that he wanted Hillary Clinton to win the presidency because he believed she would give him the nation’s top cybersecurity job.
Tech Executive-1 then used his connections with a cybersecurity firm helping the federal government to gain access to nonpublic internet data about Trump and six of his associates. Although Tech Executive-1’s employees later told their boss that the data supposedly linking Trump and a Russian bank “will not fly in [the] eyes of public scrutiny,” Sussmann nevertheless fed it to media allies upon whom he could count to build a false narrative that Trump was colluding with Moscow.
Sussmann, who had worked with the FBI during its investigation into the Russian hack of DNC servers, told the FBI he had information showing a link between Trump and a Russian bank. During the meeting, Sussmann insisted to the FBI that he was turning the information over simply as a concerned citizen and that he was not working on behalf of any client. He further claimed that cybersecurity experts had approached him about a possible link between Trump and a Russian bank, but he never mentioned the true source of the data, Tech Executive-1.
This was a monstrous lie and now it has been exposed. Sussmann had been billing Hillary Clinton’s campaign for his collusion with Tech Executive-1 the whole time. That is, he was working for her. If the FBI had known that Sussmann approached it on behalf of the Clinton campaign merely so he could dish dirt on her political rival, it might never have opened an investigation. But since Sussmann lied about his motives, an investigation was opened.
The Department of Justice inspector general would later conclude in 2019 that the link between Trump and Russian banks was utter fiction. But Sussmann had already primed the media with his false information, and they dutifully played their part in creating the Trump-Russia “narrative” that would distract and divide the nation for most of Trump’s presidency.
DC being a Democrat cesspool, Sussmann was ultimately acquitted at trial of lying to the FBI.
Tech Executive 1 is Rodney Joffe, who, like Sussmann, just so happens to be Jewish, and spent much of his life as a fraudster before he began getting lucrative contracts from the federal government, according to a Real Clear Investigations article titled “The Checkered Past of the FBI Cyber Contractor Who ‘Spied’ on Trump“. Joffe had been working for the United States government, and used that privileged access to deceive federal investigators at the FBI and the CIA, about fake links between Trump and Russia.
I’m not saying that the Russian Federation does not conduct influence operations in the United States. In fact, it would be irresponsible for them not to. What I am saying is that Democrats, whether they be elected Democrats, party people, bureaucrats, or just the general type of scumbag who votes this way, all seem to glom onto the same lie and pursue it seamlessly.
And let us not forget the infamous, “dirty Russian dossier, bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton”, which was put together by a supposedly “former” British spy named Christopher Steele, and which the Clinton campaign was fined by the FEC for covering up in their campaign expenditures, per CNN;
The DNC was fined $105,000 and the Clinton campaign was fined $8,000, according to a letter sent by the Federal Election Commission to a conservative group that requested an inquiry.
Political candidates and groups are required to publicly disclose their spending to the FEC, and they must explain the purpose of any specific expenditure more than $200. The FEC concluded that the Clinton campaign and DNC misreported the money that funded the dossier, masking it as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting” instead of opposition research.
The dossier was compiled by retired British spy Christopher Steele. It contained unverified and salacious allegations about Donald Trump, including claims that his campaign colluded with the Kremlin to win the 2016 election.
So, let’s pick this apart a little bit. The Clinton campaign and the DNC were working with a foreign intelligence officer to create a fictional narrative that Trump was some kind of Russian asset, and it just so happens, that a bunch of Russian intelligence assets are trying to help Donald Trump by echoing Democrat talking points on social media?
Pardon my skepticism. I suspect this is just a high tech foreign sponsored version of what Democrats do every year, which is try to paint Republicans as racists, on the safe assumption that they’ll make themselves look weak, and alienate White voters, by running from it.
But how did they convince everybody of the existence of these Russian “trolls and bots”?
By running them through Ukraine.
Most Americans probably thought Ukraine was a city in Russia prior to 2014, and it probably would have been by the end of 2022 if not for American military aid.
If you want to convincingly paint Donald Trump as a Nazi, you’ve got your work cut out for you. The man is surrounded by Jews at all times, and he’s conspicuously popular among black rappers. The New York real estate mogul didn’t make his billions by being the enemy of banks and media, and his rightward shift in political ideology followed years of being a big donor to Democrats. While Trump’s talk of immigration and crime were painted by Democrats as “racist dog whistles”, his push for criminal justice reform and so-called “opportunity zones” in black neighborhoods were directly marketed to black voters, which scared the living hell out of Democrats, who cannot win elections without near unanimous support from this demographic.
So, to pull off this heavy lift, it might help to get some “Nazis” to help by echoing their support for him.
A 2014 article at the Jewish website Algemeiner.com, tells us an important fact about Ukraine’s Azov Battalion;
Among those going into battle from the Ukrainian side are some 500 trained fighters in the self-declared Azov battalion, backed by Jewish energy magnate and Dnipropetrovsk region governor, Igor Kolomoisky, according to Israel’s Ma’ariv daily.
As the conflict in Ukraine broke out, I was astonished to see Western media denying the existence of Ukrainian Nazis. Just a few months earlier, I had read an article about Azov Battalion in Time Magazine, and there’s probably not a White Nationalist in the United States who doesn’t know somebody who went to Ukraine.
A headline at CommonDreams.org, a climate change obsessed Democrat propaganda rag, reads “There Is No Wisdom in Pretending That Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis Don’t Exist” and goes on to tell us in March of 2022, that “The troubling history and dangerous U.S. relationship with the Azov Battalion and other extreme right-wing groups in Ukraine cannot be forgotten.”
Russian President Putin has claimed that he ordered the invasion of Ukraine to “denazify” its government, while Western officials, such as former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Michael McFaul, have called this pure propaganda, insisting, “There are no Nazis in Ukraine.”
In the context of the Russian invasion, the post-2014 Ukrainian government’s problematic relations with extreme right-wing groups and neo-Nazi parties has become an incendiary element on both sides of the propaganda war, with Russia exaggerating it as a pretext for war and the West trying to sweep it under the carpet.
The reality behind the propaganda is that the West and its Ukrainian allies have opportunistically exploited and empowered the extreme right in Ukraine, first to pull off the 2014 coup and then by redirecting it to fight separatists in Eastern Ukraine.
So, in Ukraine, we have Jews financing Nazi militias that fight Russia with US backing? Does any sane person want to tell me that there aren’t spies involved in this?
Continuing at Common Dreams;
In 2019, the Soufan Center, which tracks terrorist and extremist groups around the world, warned, “The Azov Battalion is emerging as a critical node in the transnational right-wing violent extremist network… (Its) aggressive approach to networking serves one of the Azov Battalion’s overarching objectives, to transform areas under its control in Ukraine into the primary hub for transnational white supremacy.”
The Soufan Center described how the Azov Battalion’s “aggressive networking” reaches around the world to recruit fighters and spread its white supremacist ideology. Foreign fighters who train and fight with the Azov Battalion then return to their own countries to apply what they have learned and recruit others.
Violent foreign extremists with links to Azov have included Brenton Tarrant, who massacred 51 worshippers at a mosque in Christchurch in New Zealand in 2019, and several members of the U.S. Rise Above Movement who were prosecuted for attacking counter-protestors at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in August 2017. Other Azov veterans have returned to Australia, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, the U.K. and other countries.
If you listened to Stage Six Episode Zero, you’ve heard me tell the story of Weev before, but for the sake of continuity in our storyline, please pardon some repetition as I add a few details.
As I was about to do a show themed on Tucker Carlson Tonight’s imminent debut on Fox News, a listener suggested I take instead a semi-famous guest who went by the name of Andrew Alan Escher Auernheimer, best known by his pseudonym “weev”. Auernheimer is a Jewish computer hacker who rebranded himself as a Nazi after he got out of prison for hacking AT&T.
On the show, weev quickly began advocating the extermination of most of the world’s population, praising Charleston, SC church shooter Dylann Roof, and generally praising racially motivated violence. This was not what I expected at all, but the show was live on the air, and I had long styled myself as something of a “Shock Jock”, so I tried to roll with it. Those who saw the video however, remarked that I was visibly uncomfortable with what was going on.
Weev was the technical mind behind the Daily Stormer, commonly thought to be the most popular neo-Nazi website on planet Earth. This perception, however, turned out to be a manipulation. Weev, had managed to use the skills that had landed him in federal prison to manipulate the site’s Alexa rankings to make it appear much more popular than it actually was. Before its retirement in May of 2022, the Alexa rankings ranked nearly all websites on the planet with #1 being the most popular, and typically going back and forth between Google or Facebook. The Daily Stormer was not the only site he performed this service for, and he managed to make them look comparable to major news networks in popularity.
The importance of this can hardly be overstated. Bloggers and journalists used the Alexa rank to determine the relevance of sources when they were putting narratives together. When a neo-Nazi website rivals the most popular news sources on the web, it confirms the superstitions Leftists hold about the world in similar fashion to a weeping statue. When that same neo-Nazi website endorsed Donald Trump, it was as if Jesus had returned to earth to address his followers.
I was less interested in affirming Leftist suspicions about racism than I was in promoting my entertainment product, but I fell for this Alexa rank trick all the same. Tucker Carlson was not driving traffic to my website. Daily Stormer was.
So here we have an American Jewish computer hacker, residing in Ukraine, associating with Jewish and American backed nationalist groups, using my show to promote racial holy war, and aiding the Leftist press in their fervent desire to paint Donald Trump as the second coming of Adolf Hitler.
After the show had aired, I was contacted by Andrew Anglin, the purported primary writer for the Daily Stormer. Anglin had been planning an armed march on Whitefish, Montana, in furtherance of his “troll storm” against Tanya Gersh, a Jewess who had attempted to extort Richard Spencer’s mother. Anglin told me he would not be able to make it to this event, and that he wanted me to lead it.
I wisely declined the invitation.
The event never ended up happening, but Anglin was sued by Gersh for his efforts nonetheless. After crowdfunding over $150,000 for his defense in the suit, and in the process beginning the financial deplatforming of the Alt Right, Anglin defaulted.
Today I suspect that Anglin was attempting to get me to do this event as a trap, owing to statements I had made in the past which were sympathetic to antigovernment violence. I would have made the perfect patsy for some kind of false flag attack that made our group look like terrorists, and I likely would have been injured, killed, or stuck in some sort of legal quagmire, such as would later befall me in Charlottesville.
Immediately after the Whitefish event would have happened, was the inauguration of Donald Trump. During this, Antifa criminals rioted and burned Washington DC. As bad as this was, I can only imagine it would have been far worse had the Whitefish event actually happened.
Then came the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August of 2017. Leading up to this, Weev published a blog post which would be used against us as evidence in the Sines v. Kessler civil litigation titled “Operational Security for Right Wing Rallies” which painted our perfectly lawful behavior as criminal conduct and instructed participants to destroy records and use encrypted communications. This was entered, despite its nature as hearsay, through a supposed “expert” witness on White Supremacy, who, when cross examined by me, stated that Weev was Jewish.
In the wake of the event, while I was out on bail, I told Weev that I was planning to talk to the FBI. This seemed perfectly reasonable to me, since we were not guilty of any crime, and I had body camera video of our planning meeting, which disproved the popular myth of a premeditated conspiracy on our part.
Weev took screenshots of this conversation and published them, claiming that I was “ratting everybody out”. Of course, to rat people out, one must be party to a criminal conspiracy, and to be party to such a conspiracy, such a conspiracy must exist. In this, Weev helped spread the lie that the Unite the Right right rally was a racially motivated violent conspiracy, which was the biggest lie told that year, and Weev no doubt understood this.
Why is a Jewish American computer hacker in Ukraine doing all of this?
I will posit a theory.
Weev was recruited by the SBU, the Ukrainian espionage agency descended from the KGB.
He did not support Donald Trump. He was helping the Ukrainian government paint Trump for a Nazi in the hopes it would prevent him from being elected. When it backfired, he was helping them to destroy his presidency by promoting racial violence in his name.
I was specifically targeted in this, because during my libertarian days I had made a great many statements in support of antigovernment violence. Whether I could be egged on to carry out violence, or whether something would simply be blamed on me, I figure was a matter of indifference to those responsible.
While I was in prison, I heard about Volodimir Zelensky firing the head of the SBU over claims of rampant treason within the agency. I asked a friend to send me more information about the story, and he sent me this piece in the New York Times.
What struck me about the article was not the primary subject matter, but this snippet;
The Security Service of Ukraine, known by its Ukrainian initials S.B.U., is the main domestic security and intelligence authority in Ukraine and the successor to the local branch of the Soviet-era K.G.B. With 27,000 personnel, it is Europe’s largest security agency, and faces calls for reform — by comparison, Britain’s MI5 has just 4,400 employees, according to the Atlantic Council.
While U.S. intelligence agencies have worked with the S.B.U., their main relationship during the war has been with Ukraine’s military intelligence service.
Why does the SBU have five times as many spies as Britain?
This “faces calls for reform” line is humorous when you inform yourself. That might be the understatement of the century. The SBU is a ruthless state sponsored criminal enterprise, and they likely inspire a great deal of envy in their American counterparts.
According to reports of the United Nations Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), SBU personnel are responsible for multiple cases of human rights abuses including forced disappearances, sexual violence, and torture.
According to a report by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights titled “Report on the human rights situation in Ukraine
16 May to 15 August 2017″;
During the reporting period, OHCHR documented the arrests and detention by law enforcement of individuals under terrorism charges, allegedly for running businesses and paying ‘taxes’ in ‘Donetsk people’s republic’. For example, four entrepreneurs who left Donetsk after the conflict began were detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) under allegations of terrorism for activities related with running businesses in territory controlled by armed groups
OHCHR documented the cases of eight individuals detained and tortured by SBU in Kharkiv in 2015. For example, three of these individuals were arrested separately in May 2015, handcuffed and had bags placed over their heads. They were taken to the Kharkiv SBU building, where they were interrogated and tortured separately for hours by methods including suffocation with a gas mask, dislocation of joints, electric shock, and mock execution. The detainees also received death threats and threats of a sexual nature against their families. SBU officers forced these men to sign self-incriminating statements and refused them access to a lawyer. They were transferred to a hospital where a doctor refused to document visible injuries. In another example, also in May 2015, a man was arrested by SBU. On the way to the Kharkiv SBU building, the perpetrators stopped the vehicle and tortured him with electric current. Upon reaching the SBU building, the victim was further tortured until he “confessed” to planning terrorist acts. As of 15 August 2017, all four of these victims remained in pre-trial detention. The Military Prosecutor’s Office has launched an investigation into these allegations.
As previously documented, sexual violence is most often used as a method of torture for conflict-related detainees. For example, a man detained in the Kharkiv SBU building in May 2015 was tortured for hours in an attempt to extract a confession. He broke down when a person claiming to be a doctor entered the room with a set of surgical tools and started pulling down his pants while threatening to cut off his testicles. SBU officers then took him to the investigator’s office where he was compelled to sign several self-incriminating statements. In another case, a woman arrested in April 2015 by Kharkiv SBU was subjected to various acts of torture, including threats that the SBU officers would hand her daughter over to the Right Sector or Aidar battalion, so she could “watch how they play with her”.
The UNHCR issued another report titled “Conflict-Related Sexual Violence in Ukraine 14 March 2014 to 31 January 2017” in which;
In many cases, sexual violence amounted to torture, causing severe physical pain and mental suffering. Rape, threats of rape, beatings and electrocution of genitals were often used as an interrogation technique. Such violations most often perpetrated against individuals, mainly men, detained by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and volunteer battalions. The majority of these incidents date back to 2014-2015; nonetheless OHCHR continues to receive testimonies indicating that such practice still occurs.
In May 2014, members of the “Azov” battalion, who claimed to be acting upon the orders of SBU, abducted a woman near her house in Zaporizhzhia region. They subjected her to threats and torture which lasted for four to five hours. Her captors, who were all masked, bound her hands and legs with zip ties tightened by a metal chain, beat her with their feet and with the butts of their guns and forced needles under her nails. She was also subjected to the ‘swallow’ torture method. One of her captors threatened to gang rape her by subjecting to oral and vaginal penetration. One of the perpetrators, believed by the victim to be an SBU officer, ordered him to stop. The victim was released on the same day.
On 23 December 2014, unidentified armed people arrested a woman at her house in Krasnoarmiisk district (Donetsk region) and took her to the town of Kramatorsk (Donetsk region) where she was kept for two days in a basement. She was threatened with sexual violence and forced to sign a confession, which was video-recorded, stating that her sons were members of the armed groups and that she had transmitted information to them about Ukrainian military vehicles. She was then transferred to the Kharkiv SBU premises where she spent almost two months, without any contact with the outside world. No official charges were ever brought against her and she was never presented in court. In February 2015, she was released.
OHCHR also documented a number of cases of women detained in 2015, who were tortured and threatened that their minor daughters would be raped in front of them. A woman arrested on 19 January 2015 by 10 masked men wearing camouflage uniforms, was kept for more than a week in the basement of an SBU building, where she was beaten and tortured with electric shocks and burning plastic. The perpetrators threatened to rape her daughter if she refused to confess of having supported the armed groups in 2014.
These lengthy reports contain far grimmer incidents which are unattributable to the SBU specifically, but we can expect the SBU isn’t advertising who they are whenever they rape and murder people in Ukraine.
Kyiv has already opened investigations into 1,309 suspected traitors and launched 450 prosecutions of collaborators accused of betraying their own nation and neighbours.
Others are being tracked down and slaughtered by resistance fighters. A list passed to this newspaper by a Kyiv government source identifies 29 such retribution killings, with 13 more assassination attempts that left some targets wounded.
‘A hunt has been declared on collaborators and their life is not protected by law,’ said Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the interior ministry. ‘Our intelligence services are eliminating them, shooting them like pigs.’
The Washington Post, for example, tells us in a September of 2022 headline that “Ukrainian hit squads target Russian occupiers and collaborators”
Since Russian forces invaded in late February and began seizing Ukrainian cities and towns, close to 20 Kremlin-backed officials or their local Ukrainian collaborators have been killed or injured in a wave of assassinations and attempted killings.
They have been gunned down, blown up, hanged and poisoned — an array of methods that reflects the determination of the Ukrainian hit squads and saboteurs often operating deep inside enemy-controlled territory. The unpredictability of the attacks is meant to terrify anyone who might agree to serve in the puppet governments Russia has been creating with an eye toward staging sham referendums and ultimately annexing the occupied lands.
A Ukrainian official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter, said one of Ukraine’s special services was involved in the attempt on Bardin’s life, though he couldn’t specify which agency.
“In my understanding, everything that is done to destroy the leaders of the invaders and traitors is done by our special services,” the official said. “You can say that three organizations are involved in this kind of business: special operations forces, the main intelligence department [of the military] and a special unit of the SBU,” Ukraine’s main internal security service.
Russian officials have also blamed Ukrainian special services for the car bombing that killed Daria Dugina, a right-wing, nationalist Russian TV commentator and the daughter of far-right Orthodox Christian ideologue Alexander Dugin, a strong supporter of the war. Ukraine has flatly denied involvement in her killing near Moscow.
The assassination campaign, while cheered by many Ukrainians, nonetheless raises legal and ethical questions about extrajudicial killings and potential war crimes, particularly when the targets are political actors or civilians and not combatants on the battlefield or other military personnel. And those questions cannot simply be waved away by pointing to the illegality of Russia’s invasion.
Video has emerged of Ukrainian forces executing wounded Russian soldiers, and executing Ukrainian civilians accused of collaboration then dumping them into mass graves with their hands tied behind their backs. The video of the civilian executions was posted to Telegram by Azov Battalion for the purposes of bragging, then was subsequently edited to blame the deaths on Russia.
These revelations would be troubling enough if they were limited to cases of providing actual assistance to the Russian military, but that’s not the case at all. The Ukraine government considers anyone who speaks favorably of Russia, or negatively of the Zelensky government, to be collaborators, along with anyone who takes so much as a teaching job in the occupied regions, or accepts Russian financial assistance.
According to Human Rights Without Frontiers, those charged with treason include a female teacher, a female deputy of the Mariupol City Council, and religious leaders.
A headline at Newsweek reads “Ukrainian Mayor Charged With Treason for Accepting Aid From Russia“.
Months before Russia’s military action, Ukraine announced reason charges against opposition figures in the Ukrainian Parliament, according to UkraineNU;
Both Viktor Medvedchuk and Taras Kozak are members of the Ukrainian parliament for the pro-Russian party Opposition Platform – For Life, and Kozak owns several Tv-channels, which were closed by the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky back in February. The President justified the need to close the channels to “fight against the danger of Russian aggression in the information arena.” Both Kozak and Medvedchuk were sanctioned, and Ukraine nationalized one of Medvedchuk’s oil pipelines, his most valuable possession.
Even former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko was charged with treason, months before Russia’s military action, according to DW.com.
And as Zelensky jails his opposition, commandeers media for the State, executes and sexually assaults his enemies, and grants criminals license to do as they see fit, Democrats and entirely too many Republicans tell us that we are to shower him with cash and munitions to the detriment of our economy and military, all for the sake of “democracy”.
These people sound like fine friends for the CIA to make. So, what was the nature of US intelligence cooperation with the SBU before the war?
I could go on about the so called “biological research facilities”, American assistance in the 2014 coup, and all manner of speculations, but the truth is, I do not know the full answer to these questions. Vladimir Putin, on the other hand, almost certainly does.
My next door neighbor in USP Marion’s Communications Management Unit, Viktor Bout, denies the US Government’s accusation that he is a Russian intelligence asset, and I have no reason to disbelieve him. But Viktor was by no means surprised to find that treason was rampant throughout the SBU. In his telling, the SBU was thoroughly infiltrated by Russian intelligence. The Russian government would thus be in a position to know Ukraine’s state secrets, including its interference in US politics.
Not that one would have to necessarily infiltrate the SBU to figure this out. Peter Schweizer documented it at some length in his book “Secret Empires” discussing how the Biden family got rich off corrupt deals in the oil and gas rich country.
In early March, only days after the Russian move into Crimea, Secretary of State John Kerry visited Kiev, arriving with a pledge of $1 billion in American loan guarantees and offers of technical assistance. He also announced clear-cut American political and moral support for Ukraine.
Kerry spoke forcefully about the U.S. commitment to an independent Ukraine. But it was Vice President Biden who would end up being “point person” in the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine.2! “No one in the U.S. government has wielded more power over Ukraine than Vice President Joe Biden,” noted Foreign Policy magazine. Indeed, his power as it relates to Ukrainian policy extended far beyond just Washington; he was “considered the voice of the country’s western backers.” Biden consulted regularly with the Ukrainian president by telephone and made five trips to the Ukraine between 2014 and 2017.24 He did so at the same time that his son and his son’s business partners prepared to strike a profitable deal with controversial and reportedly violent oligarchs, Kolomoisky and Zlochevsky,
who would benefit from his actions.On April 16, 2014, Devon Archer made a private visit to the White House for a meeting with Vice President Biden. We do not know the duration because, according to White House records, the meeting lasted until 11:59 p.m., the end-of-the-day placeholder when the meeting’s end was not recorded.
Less than a week later, on April 22, there was a public announcement that Devon Archer had been asked to join the board of Burisma. Three weeks after that, on May 13, it was announced that Hunter Biden would join, too. Neither Biden nor Archer had any background or experience in the energy sector.
As was the case with their deals in China, the foreign company, Burisma here, did not hide the fact that the son of the vice president and the financial manager for the family of the American secretary of state were joining the board. Far from it.
Politico wrote about it, too. In a January of 2017 post titled “Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire“, Ken Vogel informs us,
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
A Ukrainian-American operative who was consulting for the Democratic National Committee met with top officials in the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington in an effort to expose ties between Trump, top campaign aide Paul Manafort and Russia, according to people with direct knowledge of the situation.
Let us recall the first annual impeachment of Donald J. Trump. The reader will recall that this took place after a call between Trump and Zelensky, in which Trump wanted Zelensky to show that he was fighting corruption in Ukraine by announcing an investigation into the Biden Crime Family’s obviously corrupt dealings in the country. Trump saw no point in providing military assistance to a kleptocrat just so he could fight Russia, a country Trump campaigned on improving US relations with.
Given what is now common knowledge about the Biden crime family, Trump’s corruption test was profoundly wise. If Zelensky was as he claimed to be, a corruption fighter, figuring out why a Ukrainian energy company was showering cash on a crackhead who didn’t speak the language or know anything about energy, seemed like a rather modest test of his bona fides.
Zelensky failed the test, and a parade of Ukrainian Jews, among them Lt Colonel Vindman, came before Congress in an attempt to overthrow the President of the United States.
Not that this stopped Trump from sending him weapons.
I was covering this circus on the Radical Agenda when the FBI broke my door down in the middle of the night, and dragged me off to federal prison for the next three years.
The charges on which I was serving time, as I discussed during Stage Six Episode Zero, were absurd. I was convicted of threatening a member of a neo-Nazi terror cell that I had repeatedly gone to law enforcement about because they were sabotaging my business and threatening my life. For years I had been followed by undercover agents and confidential informants for the FBI who were seeking any excuse to make a case against me. The alleged victim was threatened with public exposure if he didn’t testify against me, and paid for his cooperation. This is not law enforcement, it is blackmail and bribery. It was a total setup by the FBI’s Joint Terror Task Force (JTTF) and I do not imagine the timing of my arrest (more than six months after my alleged offense) was a coincidence.
As stated earlier, counterterrorism is not law enforcement. The whole point of the enterprise is to incapacitate suspects before crimes are committed. Counterterrorism is covert surveillance and dirty tricks, otherwise known, as espionage.
“Mainstream” Espionage
But, you don’t really think this is limited to “social” media, do you? Why stop there? The legacy media needs subversives too…
The Daily Caller provides a list of 15 supposedly “former” spies who now work at CNN or MSNBC, though that list is from 2019 and could probably be updated. Alexander Vindman doesn’t appear to be employed by either network, which is odd, considering how often he is featured on MSNBC. Fox News viewers will doubtlessly recognize names like former CIA station Chief, Dan Hoffman, or General Jack Keane, who have so thoroughly discredited themselves by commenting on this Ukraine/Russia conflict, that they might end up working at CNN by the time this thing is over. Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe is regularly featured on Fox News, and former Acting DNI Richard Grenell went on to become a paid Fox News contributor.
And who could forget the 51 “Intelligence” Officials Who Lied About Hunter Biden’s Laptop?
CNN’s annual revenue is approximately $2 Billion a year, according to Zippia.com. Its richest on air personality is Anderson Cooper, at a cool $50 million in net worth. The next wealthiest, Wolf Blitzer, has half that. Less than a week’s worth of post-sanctions Russian energy sales could buy the entire network and all the property of everyone who works there. It’s a good thing CNN has such stellar patriotism and integrity, or they might sell out to a foreign country.
In theory, spies are supposed to answer to the elected branches of government. In practice, it’s beginning to look like the exact opposite.
It’s like that line in the Matrix, where Agent Smith tells Morpheus,
The perfect world was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from. Which is why the Matrix was redesigned to this: the peak of your civilization. I say your civilization, because as soon as we started thinking for you it really became our civilization, which is of course what this is all about. Evolution, Morpheus, evolution. Like the dinosaur. Look out that window. You’ve had your time. The future is *our* world, Morpheus. The future is our time.
One could probably get into a lot of chicken or the egg type of debates about the order of operations to this. Did the politicians weaponize the intelligence agencies for political ends, and thereby begin their involvement in politics? Or did the intelligence agencies decide democracy was too important to leave to chance, and begin using their dark arts to control the elected branches? The answer is likely pre-democratic, and the progression of this state of affairs in the United States most likely involves a lot of give and take in both directions.
J. Edgar Hoover was reported to have kept extensive blackmail files on people, including but not limited to politicians. Ronald Kessler, author of “Secrets of the FBI”, says this about Hoover’s “Official and Confidential” files.
In my book “The Secrets of the FBI,” I quote William Sullivan, who became the No. 3 FBI official under Hoover, as saying: “The moment [Hoover] would get something on a senator, he’d send one of the errand boys up and advise the senator that ‘we’re in the course of an investigation, and we by chance happened to come up with this data on your daughter. But we wanted you to know this. We realize you’d want to know it.’ Well, Jesus, what does that tell the senator? From that time on, the senator’s right in his pocket.”
Some suspect Hoover of being a homosexual, but he still lived and ran the FBI in a time when morality really mattered in public life. That time is over. The principle problem with blackmail these days is that people have far less shame to exploit. In the current year, being a homosexual is just how you make up for being White in the Democrat Party. But this does not mean that politicians don’t have secrets, and if you think the moral code of our spies has improved over the decades, watching them on MSNBC once in awhile will disabuse you of that notion.
We cold not possibly forget Chuck Schumer’s famous line that “Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” as he told told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.
Schumer wasn’t alone in warning of U.S. intelligence agencies’ penchant for politicized revenge. A little over a week later, Daniel Benjamin, who had served as the principal counterterrorism advisor for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, scripted the scenario for Politico Magazine, writing:
Leakers and whistleblowers won’t hesitate. What [former Deputy CIA Director] Morell and other intelligence veterans are too decorous to mention is that Trump’s treatment of his spies will also come back to bite him in the form of leaking and whistleblowing. The intelligence community doesn’t leak as much as the Pentagon or Congress, but when its reputation is at stake, it can do so to devastating effect.
Peter Strzok suspected CIA employees were behind inaccurate leaks to the press regarding possible Trump campaign contacts with Russia, according to an email the former FBI counterintelligence official sent to colleagues in April 2017. Strzok wrote “I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us. Might explain all these weird/seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks,”
He later wrote to his lover/coworker, Lisa Page in a text message that “Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried and political, they’re kicking in to overdrive,” Sisters is a likely reference to the CIA, or other American intelligence agency.
Licensed to Kill
As illustrated in the case of Ukraine, another tactic of domestic espionage is to grant certain groups of people a license to commit crimes, including the most horrific sort of violence. From my jail cell, I saw this go on all throughout 2020 in the United States, in tandem with a bizarre and frightening propaganda campaign on social and mainstream media.
After career criminal George Floyd died of a drug overdose in police custody, the heroic officer who subdued him was charged with and subsequently convicted of murder. Instead of seeing this as justice taking its course, the same rioters who had terrorised me and my associates and the rest of America since 2015 took to the streets for their biggest campaign of mayhem yet. They murdered business owners and police officers, set fire to commercial property, residences, and federal courts. They surrounded a police station, laid siege to it, and set it on fire, forcing police to flee for their lives.
Did the Democrats decry “Russian interference” stoking these racial tensions? Didn’t they fear that this subversive activity would help Trump like it supposedly did in 2016? Of course not. Democrats supported this. Racial strife is their stock in trade. Dividing the country along identitarian lines proved so useful to them, that they started creating new sexual identities along which to cause even more trouble.
Kamala Harris promoted a bail fund, which helped lead to the release of people charged with murder, violent felonies, and sex crimes, including one alleged Minneapolis domestic abuser who was subsequently charged with murder.
MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi, filmed in front of the scene of an arson, said of the Minneapolis riots “I want to be clear on how I characterize this. This is mostly a protest. It is not generally speaking unruly but fires have been started, and this crowd is relishing that”
In Kenosha, Wisconsin, when convicted sexual predator Jacob Blake violated an order of protection, and sexually assaulted his ex girlfriend, police were called to the scene to help his victim. Blake attacked officers with a knife, and the officers shot him. Blake survived his injuries, but was paralyzed.
Because Democrats are so enamored of sexual assault, they rioted again, claiming this too, was racist.
Police did not stop the riots. Democrat supported them. CNN famously described them as “Fiery But Mostly Peaceful“.
While law enforcement let this chaos ensue, Kyle Rittenhouse was forced to defend himself against Blake’s fellow sex predator Joseph Rosenbaum, and repeat violent felon Anthony Huber, among others in the crowd. Rittenhouse too, was charged with murder, but ultimately acquitted by a jury.
The riots continued, and the media smeared Rittenhouse as a white supremacist terrorist.
At the Democrat Nation Convention of 2020, where Joe Biden received his Party’s nomination for the presidency, former President Barack Obama described the riots as “Peaceful Protests“.
Did the “Russian bots” just go away?
Clearly the Democrats did not think so. The Democrats decried the Hunter Biden laptop story as “Russian disinformation”, their spies supported this obvious lie, their media lapdogs reported it to be obviously so, and the social media companies, which had been overrun with spies and political partisans, suppressed the story on this fake claim. So why didn’t they also blame the riots on this supposed foreign interference?
Foreign or not, why didn’t the social media companies suppress the riots like they did the laptop story?
Because this is what they wanted. They did not view it as the unfortunate consequence of an unjust society. They viewed it as an unalloyed good.
It is simply not plausible that such a campaign of violence and mayhem happened spontaneously, and avoided law enforcement scrutiny without help from the top. These riots were bloody organized, well funded, immune from prosecution, and supported by the highest echelons of American power.
The Democrats and the spies in their service understand all too well the power they wield, and they sure as hell know how to crush dissent.
But did they actually believe this was going to help them win the election? What on Earth could drive someone to believe that violent crime, looting, and arson, in support of counterfeiters, drug dealers, and sexual predators, was popular politically? Did they simply have that much confidence in their control over information, that they actually believed the population would not know what was happening or who was responsible?
This, I highly doubt.
One recalls a quote from a Russian who was anything but a bot. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once said,
We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.
They do not expect you to believe the lie. Only to acquiesce to it. And as long as enough of the population will do this, they can do as they please.
If the Democrats believed that Donald Trump was truly a corrupt power hungry dictator who would do anything to stay in power, they would certainly not leave to chance the integrity of our elections. But since they knew that anyone who was willing to cheat in the election would be on their side, they went about dismantling every security feature ever imagined, in the holy names of COVID and racism.
Molly Hemingway’s book “Rigged: How the Democrats, Big Tech, and the Media Seized Our Elections” really illustrated this perfectly without getting into all the crackpot stuff or venturing down any rabbit holes. Democrat lawyers sued over various election integrity measures claiming their were either racist or a COVID hazard, and in no shortage of cases, their collaborators in the various Secretaries of State offices, settled the lawsuits with consent decrees instead of fighting the absurd allegations. This had the effect of bypassing the legislatures, which is transparently unconstitutional.
And sure enough, they managed to put a vegetable in the White House, and obtain the thinnest of congressional majorities, by promising the public nothing but violence and deception.
In the wake of this, surely you all recall the cartoonish press conference with Rudy Giuliani and Sydney Powell, in which they allege the most outrageous of plots. Hacked voting machines, foreign servers, China, Venezuela. One is almost tempted to think somebody sabotaged Rudy’s hair coloring.
Say what you will about Powell and Giuliani, they didn’t get to where they were by being stupid. They were not incapable of thinking through the consequences of making up this story out of thin air. Yet the evidence they claimed to possess was not forthcoming. As Powell “released the Kraken” and Rudy visited legislative committees around the country, these most outrageous claims faded from view, and they were reduced to discussing statistical anomalies and matters of law.
What possessed them to tell these wild stories while the world watched?
One can only speculate, but it seems clear to me that somebody told them these things had actually happened, and for whatever reason, they believed it.
But what sort of person would it have to be, for you to believe they knew about hacked voting machines and foreign servers and an international coalition of spy agencies being involved?
Obviously, they were talking to foreign spies. A spy is the only source of information from which you could take such claims seriously, and if the spies were American, they would have just said “the intelligence community” told them, and call the guy a whistleblower. The fact that they preferred to be mocked into oblivion and jeopardize their law licenses, tells you that it would have harmed them more to name their sources. If they acknowledged collaborating with foreign intelligence agencies, then the Democrats, who were about to control all levers of political power in Washington, would have used that confession to pursue them as national security threats.
And how would Rudy Giuliani have come to make connections with foreign spies? I’m sure the Democrats would scream “RUSSIA! RUSSIA! RUSSIA!” which tells you right away that this isn’t the case. If the Democrats say it, it’s almost certainly a lie.
But Rudy Giuliani’s activities in Ukraine featured prominently in the first annual impeachment of Donald J. Trump, and something tells me the friends he was making over there turned out to be less than loyal. The SBU fed him a line, and he bit, and the circus that ensued served to distract from whatever really happened to fraudulently elect our first brain dead President.
The people of this country didn’t fall for it. They were, in fact, outraged, and a number of them were willing to put their bodies and freedom on the line to stop it from happening. That collective will manifested itself in the events of January sixth, and spies were by no means taking a hands off approach to that event.
Well, perhaps I’ve chosen my words poorly. On the surface, it appears that this is precisely what they did.
Per a recent report in the New York Times,
Steven A. Sund, who was the Capitol Police chief during the 2021 riot, writes in his book, “Courage Under Fire,” that intelligence in the possession of the F.B.I., the Homeland Security Department and the Defense Department should have had those agencies “seeing red,” but they instead failed to warn the Capitol Police.
But, even taking this report for face value, inaction is itself a form of action. Recall that the whole entire point of counterterrorism is to intervene before events occur, and that the FBI is in the habit of entrapping Right wing dissidents using precisely this excuse. They surely didn’t stop doing this under the Trump administration, otherwise I never would have seen the inside of the Communications Management Unit. The Oathkeepers and Proud Boys would not have had to commit a crime for the FBI to take them off the street. If the FBI wanted to stop them, the FBI would have created a crime.
Which, more than likely, is exactly what they did on January 6th. The reason these people were not taken off the streets before the riot, is because the riot was the stratagem the FBI was using to take them off the streets.
And they really weren’t all that hands off, after all.
The Oathkeepers and Proud Boys were infiltrated with no fewer than 8 FBI Confidential Human Sources (CHS), including the Vice President of the Oathkeepers, Greg McWhirter.
During the trial of Stuart Rhodes for seditious conspiracy, McWhirter’s name was leaked to the New York Times, and prosecutors asked the Court to question Defense Counsel whether they had been responsible for the leak. This, I’d bet almost anything, is a case of Democrats accusing you of what they themselves are doing. McWhirter had been terrified of being identified in public as an informant, and this anxiety damn near killed him.
Prosecutors rested their case in the trial without calling McWhirter as a witness, and Defense Counsel, seeing this absence as conspicuous, called him themselves. McWhirter boarded a plane to come testify, but had to be removed when he suffered a heart attack, rendering himself unavailable.
Rhodes was subsequently convicted of seditious conspiracy, and awaits sentencing at the time of this writing. He faces up to 20 years in prison on that count alone.
You could be next.
There’s no upper limit on how long I could draw something like this out. I need to stop somewhere, and this is where I will conclude. We’re nearly 17,000 words into what used to be an unscripted production, and the longer I write the more I think I need to write. The more I search for source material, the more threads I find to keep pulling. I’ve tried to stick primarily to what was publicly accepted as true, and kept my speculations to a minimum. but the nature of espionage is secrecy, which means that for all the violence and deceit here discussed, what we’ve identified is only their failures. Their successes are still unknown to us, and that should be more troubling than anything.
In any political movement that challenges the status quo, one must have a healthy skepticism of the authorities. The people in power have an interest in protecting their position, and those who have been dug in for a substantial period of time come to think they have property rights in State power. They will thus wield that power against those who seek to take it away from them. But my assessment here is that it is not cops, or even federal law enforcement that we need to be concerned about, except to the extent that they are put to use by nefarious actors, though that happens all the time, sadly. We are the good guys in this struggle, and with some unfortunate exceptions, our guys tend to obey the law.
The threat to us, indeed the reason we are not in power today, the reason I and other law abiding people have accepted peril at the hands of the legal system as a fact of life, has nothing to do with law enforcement or any other legitimate domestic power of the State. We are imperiled not by cops, but by spies, foreign and domestic.
And beyond the dirty tricks that they have deigned to use against us, they have turned their dark arts against the general population. Globalism plus espionage amounts to a transnational criminal enterprise, that refuses to leave the outcome of elections to chance.
In the case of foreign countries, you can hardly blame them for this. In the current world order, Americans alone are granted the privilege of electing the world government. The supposed “rules based international order” is cover for a unipolar American hegemony that dictates terms to the rest of the planet with a combination of bribes and threats. Even a two year old can intuitively grasp the unfairness of that. If the future of a Nation is to be determined by the outcome of an election in another country, the government of that affected Nation would be negligent not to utilize every tool and weapon at its disposal to see that election go its way, or to outright steal it.
So we should not be surprised to see influence operations by foreign intelligence agencies in the United States. In fact, when we don’t see them, it ought to raise our suspicions, because it can only mean they are hidden from view.
If our intelligence agencies had not violated our trust, we might even go so far as to pardon their own influence operations designed to counter those of foreign countries, but what we have seen here is that they are not countering foreign espionage. They are collaborating with it.
We have been told that Russia interfered in our elections to see Donald Trump come to power. Let us say, for the sake of argument, that this is true.
Given what we know about how Hillary Clinton would have governed, given what we know about how Joe Biden has governed, we can only conclude that Russia would prefer to avoid war with the United States, and uses its influence operations to avoid that outcome.
In contrast, we know that Ukraine actively tried to help Hillary Clinton. We know that the Bidens were and are involved in all manner of corruption in Ukraine, and that, as a consequence of those corrupt dealings, Joe Biden is risking war with Russia at the time of this writing, for his own personal land of milk and honey.
We know that this accrues benefits to China, above all, whose government has made our political elites wealthy beyond imagination, and whose social media platforms have been weaponized to collect and to disseminate information against the interests of the United States.
And if I wanted to turn this into a lengthier research project, an audiobook as opposed to a podcast, I could spend much more time talking about Israel’s Mossad, their sayanim in the media, the ADL, the SPLC, AIPAC, George Soros, and any number of banking executives and central bank officials.
Leftism weakens a country. Chaos is its means and its ends, and every lever of power in this country is being wrenched Leftward in such a fashion that it is miraculous any of us still have the electricity to produce or consume this communication. That state of affairs is not merely due to a misguided population. It is due, in no small part, to intense manipulation by foreign governments, with the consent and collaboration, of our own.
I won’t keep you waiting so long for the next episode. Extenuating circumstances made this take longer than anticipated. I hope you think it’s worth it.
Instead of the old format’s open phones, I’m looking to answer listener voicemails on the air or possibly record calls with listeners offline and then play them on the show. Send me an email, or leave me a voicemail at (202) 599-7386 , and I’ll try to work you in, if you give me good radio. Especially if you’re a donor.
If you like what you’ve heard, please pay me at https://ChristopherCantwell.net/donate
Source: Christopher Cantwell
The post Radical Agenda S06E001 – It’s The Espionage, Stupid appeared first on Christopher Cantwell.
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