I had the pleasure of making two hours of excellent radio with the gentlemen at Full Haus, who are truly wonderful people and a joy to be around. Definitely worth listening, though I must apologize for my audio quality, which I did not realize was so bad until just now.
From their About Page;
Full Haus is the world’s finest show for white fathers, aspiring ones, and the whole family. We strive to entertain and inform parents who are raising children, and encourage future parents to get in the greatest game.
Our objective? More healthy white children raised by strong and loving parents armed with the knowledge to help them navigate a world largely hostile to their existence. See also: To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
The vast majority of our content is family-friendly, and the show can be listened to in the car with your precious progeny in the back with no cringing at gratuitous profanity. Go forth and have more white children and raise them right!
Created in April 2019 by a couple veterans of an earlier fatherhood show and infused with new talent, Full Haus focused on pro-white family content via a weekly podcast for its first year. Based on the overwhelmingly positive response to the show despite serious social media censorship and even getting deplatformed from our original outlet, we are expanding our efforts across the board.
We are unapologetically pro-white and hostile to the forces that try to destroy our marriages, fill our children’s minds and bodies with poison, and make whites a minority in every country on earth. Mass immigration, endless wars, “affirmative action,” degenerate entertainment, garbage food, indoctrination-as-education, abortion, birth control, circumcision, debt-without-end, AND the people who push these atrocities are just a few of the scourges we combat with a smile.
Their Episode description;
The one-and-only Christopher Cantwell sits down with us for over two hours to address everything under the sun, including his prison experience, reclaimed “liberty,” the Charlottesville trial, and his new approach going forward. In the second half we air a ton of great news from the audience, and tackle the toughest question we’ve ever received.
Support Chris here, subscribe to his Telegram channel, and find all his work at ChristopherCantwell.net
Bumper: “Back in the Saddle” by Aerosmith
Break: “War Drums” by No Face Nate
Close: “Running up that Hill” by Meg Myers
Go forth and multiply!
Support Full Haus here or at givesendgo.com/FullHaus
Censorship-free Telegram commentary: https://t.me/prowhitefam2
Twitter:twitter.com/FullHausmanTelegram channel with ALL shows available for easy download: https://t.me/fullhausshows
Odysee for special occasion livestreams and back library in the process of being uploaded.
Full Haus syndicated on Amerikaner
RSS: https://fullhaus.libsyn.com/rss
All shows since Zencast (S) deplatforming: https://fullhaus.libsyn.com/
And of course, feel free to drop us a line with anything on your mind at fullhausshow@protonmail.com.
We love ya fam, and we’ll talk to you next week!
Source: Christopher Cantwell
The post Full Haus EP149 – Back in the Saddle w/ Cantwell Jan 6 2023 appeared first on Christopher Cantwell.
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