I had the pleasure of joining the producers of the Mannerbund Dispatch just before the final order came down in the Charlottesville case.
My codefendant Dr. Michael Hill from League of the South was also on, and we had what I can confidently call a very interesting and meaningful discussion about (among other things) tactics going forward for our people. The strategies advocated by Dr. Hill and I stood in some contrast, as one might expect given our different life experiences and backgrounds. But I would not categorize this as a debate, much less an argument.
For this, I am grateful, in part because I have had these ideas in my head for a long time, but have not much opportunity to verbally articulate them among people with similar goals and different ideas on how to accomplish them. My listeners will thus likely notice my unusual difficulty in articulating my points at times, which also stood in some contrast to the cool confidence of Dr. Hill. I do not suspect this will negatively impact the listener experience much, however.
This is definitely worth a listen, particularly for those of you who have expressed some skepticism about my advocacy of involvement with the Republican Party.
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Source: Christopher Cantwell
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